Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
This section includes papers, reports, studies and tools for management, legal aid providers and research instrument.
World’s models of legal aid for criminal cases: What can Russia borrow?
07.06.2012 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
This research work focuses on the question of what are the main objectives and priority avenues for reforming the Russian system for provision of state-funded legal aid in criminal cases and whether the best international experience in this field can be adopted in Russia.
Protecting the right to a fair trial under the European Convention on Human Rights
29.05.2012 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
The Council of Europe issued a new human rights handbook, Protecting the right to a fair trial under the European Convention on Human Rights.
ABA ROLI publishes Access to Justice Assessment Tool
24.05.2012 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
After two years of development and pilot testing the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative published its Access to Justice Assessment Tool.
A new edition of a book, Defending Suspects at Police Stations, was published in London in October 2011.
Legal tools: early access to justice in Europe
26.04.2012 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
“Legal Tools: Early Access to Justice in Europe” focuses on early access to legal representation in Europe for people accused or suspected of crimes.
Towards basic justice care for everyone: Challenges and promising approaches 2012
23.04.2012 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
The Innovating Justice Forum 2012 assesses systematically what is known about access to justice, focusing on civil justice, administrative justice and redress for victims of crime.
29 out of 31 countries assessed fail at enforcing political finance laws, regardless of how weak or strong their regulations.
Making legal aid a reality: a resource book for policy makers and civil society
11.01.2012 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
This publication comes out of the joint effort of two organizations: the Public Interest Law Institute (PILI) and the Open Society Justice Initiative.
Working with the United Nations human rights programme: a handbook for civil society
30.12.2011 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
”Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society” is a new, user-friendly and authoritative publication on United Nations human rights bodies and mechanisms – explaining how they work and exploring the many important ways that civil society actors including NGOs can contribute to their work.
New handbook and survey on access to legal aid in Africa
27.12.2011 Tools for Managers, Practitioners and Researchers
The Handbook on improving access to legal aid in Africa and the Survey Report on access to legal aid in criminal justice systems in Africa were developed as part of a project to promote access to legal aid in Africa.