International Standards
International Standards
This section includes documents, papers, case-law – extracts, summaries or full cases – related to the right to legal aid.
Human Rights Committee discusses draft General Comment on the Right to Liberty and Security of the Person
22.03.2013 International Standards
The Human Rights Committee this morning held a discussion on a draft General Comment on States parties' obligations under Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, concerning the right to liberty and security of the person.
The Inter-American Commission’s request to the Mexican Government
21.03.2013 International Standards
The Inter-American Commission for Human Rights asked the Mexican Government to put an end to the practice of presenting detained persons, presumed innocents, to the mass media.
Briefing: Next steps in the Review of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
17.03.2013 International Standards
Together with six other organisation, PRI has issued an updated briefing on the review of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women discusses Women and Access to Justice
20.02.2013 International Standards
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women this morning held a half-day general discussion on women’s access to justice, in view of receiving inputs and contributions for its General Recommendations on Women and Access to Justice that it would start drafting in 2013.
UN General Assembly Enacts Global Standards on Access to Legal Aid, by Zaza Namoradze
21.12.2012 International Standards
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted the world's first international instrument dedicated to the provision of legal aid.
UN expert urges Member States to adopt guidelines to reduce extreme poverty
15.10.2012 International Standards
A United Nations independent expert today urged governments to embrace a set of guiding principles recently adopted by the UN Human Rights Council to reduce extreme poverty and protect the rights of vulnerable populations.
This paper aims to stimulate debate on the future of the international development architecture and explores how far some of today’s major development agencies are likely to be exposed to the resulting pressures to change course, emulate the disruptors or face irrelevance.
After more than a year of planning, much diplomatic hype, and thousands of attendees, last month’s UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro produced what one activist called a “failure of epic proportions.”
Adoption of the First International Principles and Guidelines on Indigent Defense
18.06.2012 International Standards
One of the cornerstones of the United States criminal justice system is the right to legal representation for criminal defendants. In the United States the right is confirmed by the federal Constitution, but many countries also guarantee this right to their citizens through their domestic laws.
This joint statement makes comprehensive recommendations for amendments to the European Union Council’s revised text of the Measure C1 to ensure that the Directive upholds the minimum human rights standards for fair trials.